
How Should We Live?


 Winter Classes

Dear Journeyers,

“You stand on the precipice of a most remarkable time in human history. This epoch is characterized by accelerated technological advancements, social change, vast emotional upheavals, increased intellectual input, and soul awakenings throughout the planet. As each day passes you are expected to not only keep up with the shifting trends in your school and work environment, but you are looked upon to come up with answers, and also to help maintain a measure of peace and harmony in your environment.” —Ascended Master Teachers

This invitation gives you the opportunity to answer for yourself: “How Should We Live?” It’s focused in the thoughts and ideas stated above. This class is simple in presentation, yet grounded in profound words, teachings, tools, exercises, and knowledge. The class holds up a mirror to your thoughts and beliefs, patterns, habits, and awareness. Once you see yourself more clearly, you can reposition your choices to successfully navigate your future.  It’s all about your awareness and consciousness and knowing what you’re looking at.

What’s at Stake?

by Michael Hauge Time to Be a Hero

“So here is what I know….

Most heroes don’t begin their stories as heroic. They start out as ordinary people, or occasionally as extraordinary people, who struggle with the same longings, desires, obstacles, pain and fears that we all do. Then, in confronting whatever conflicts they must overcome, these heroes find the courage to face their fears and take the action that is necessary. And most of the time, they win.  

This is how such a hero is transformed into someone who is truly heroic.  

As a result of their courage, these heroes also transform the lives of those around them. They stand up for what is right, they create connection among others, they bring balance back to the world they inhabit, and they bring survival, peace, prosperity, love or fulfillment to some portion of humanity.   

Through the course of their stories such heroes find the courage to be honest – about themselves, their pain, their fear, their mistakes and their shortcomings. They let go of their protective identities, and at the end of their stories, they live in their essence. Their physical or emotional courage inspires those around them, just as they inspire all of us who see or hear or read their stories. 

By becoming heroic, they show us how we can live better, and they give us a glimpse of our own potential for courage and connection and love.

So in our own lives, in the real world, shouldn’t we want these same qualities in ourselves?

I know through a lifetime of stories, both real and imagined, that even in the face of darkness and dread, when good people dare to stand up, hope can survive, ideals can win out, and humanity can once again love, and connect, and flourish.”

How Should We Live? Class benefits you and your family with never before taught information that leads to an expanded awareness in your life experiences. Combine new information with expanded life experiences and knowledge gains momentum in your life choices. Add to that knowledge the integrative force of love and that leads you into wisdom. Now, you have the insight and the tools to stand on a solid foundation for your life to flourish.

Consulting – Work with Me

We are living in extraordinary times—times of transitions from the mundane to the profound. These days require us to be ever vigilant in balancing and maintaining our awareness in order to meet these daily demands. We are also recognizing a great awakening that is taking place within and without. This awakening is why I’m offering personal consultations. Everyone grows and changes at their own pace. Working with me helps you to know what you don’t know.

Be bold. Be daring. Be courageous.

What people are saying.

Life Assignments & Purpose Consultations

“Toni Holm is a phenomenal woman! She is intelligent, insightful, creative, helpful, generous, and strategic in her approach to helping others. Recently she was a guest speaker on my Protégé telecourse calls and months later Protégés still refer to her sage advice. She shared her great gift of ‘seeing’ into people and helping them to see themselves. She is a gift to the human race.” —Norma T.

Hollis, America’s Leading Authenticity Expert

“Toni has offered me such meaningful insight and spiritual guidance throughout the years. She has been a path of light in times of darkness and has brought real clarity and calm in times of confusion. She has, in sum, helped to make beautiful sense of my life on a spiritual level. I am indebted to her for her wisdom and am so very grateful for her power, grace, and knowledge.” —Sarah Burrows-Rutberg, Editor/Writer

How Should We Live? Start now.

Neighbors helping neighbors isn’t just a quaint idea, it has been a way of life for generations in small, tight-knit communities across America and throughout the world. When so much is out of our control, we turn to one another, bridging the real and imagined distance between us and building our collective strength. It doesn’t take much to get started, just an idea, some conviction and action. So, do what you can to help someone today. Do something more tomorrow. Before long, you’ll find the distance has disappeared, replaced by a connection that lasts longer than our troubles will.

Come join me!

Toni Dianne Holm

How Should We Live?

One two-hour class

Cost: $275

Purchase your class here:

“I know I’m in my own little world, but they know me here.”


Write Life™ WINTER Sessions

“The most powerful words in English are, ‘Tell me a story.'”—Pat Conroy

Want to tell a story? Do you have a manuscript gathering dust on a shelf? Is there a narrative you long to share with the world?

Apply now for my Write Life.

Dear Writers,
I hope this invitation finds you well. I’m so happy to connect with you.

I’m excited to share my new Winter offerings. Wherever you are in the writing process, my Write Life offerings will guide you through the stages of developing and launching a writing project. I’m accepting applications now. If you have any questions, reply and I’ll respond quickly.

Write Life Becoming A Writer  

(8 hours/two 4-hour Saturday/Sunday mornings)

It’s designed to guide promising writers through the stages of developing a book idea. You may already have tried your hand at a writing project, or just journal writing for years, but writing is in your blood. It’s a longing to become . . .  to test the waters and see what it takes to become a professional writer. You step into discovering the creative craft of storytelling. You learn how to recognize your voice, writing style, your signature genre, character, plot, and genres. You break some long-held myths about writers’ block with Toni’s 23-Day Writing Tool – a writer’s tool that can be used now and throughout your writing career. I offer my extensive experience developing books with dozens of authors over the years and together we nourish and execute your project in collaboration and community.

Write Life Character Driven Storytelling

(6 hours/two 3-hour Saturday/Sunday mornings) 

This beginning workshop is for newbies and adventurous advanced writers. You’ll dive deep into the path and patterns of characters from the point of view of the Sensei of human interconnectedness to self, others, and the cosmos. You’ll work with your main character’s 4 bodies and 4 categories of life to create the inner life of intuitive knowing to the outer life of desires, expectations, and consequences of life choices. This is a new approach to character development. It has never been taught before in a writing class. This workshop just might change your personal point of view about your own life choices! With my extensive experience developing books for publication with dozens of authors over the years, you will nourish and execute your project in an atmosphere of collaboration and community wisdom.

Write Life Publishing Path – An Armchair Intensive

(4 hours/one 4-hour Saturday/Sunday mornings) 

Now you have a book concept or finished manuscript, it is time to learn how to treat your book like a startup and design a publishing path that will meet your goals. In this intensive group, I will draw from decades of experience working for top publishers and guide you through the choices available in today’s fast-changing publishing landscape. Through group work and one private office hour phone call, I will offer you take away tools to design a path forward that will reach your goals for this book and beyond.

Write Life Consulting – Work with Me

I still have a few spots left this winter for private coaching sessions. Please contact me directly if you are interested. If you don’t know which path is right for you, contact me and we can discuss on a call. I look forward to supporting you! 

Be bold. Be daring. Be courageous. Be read.

All writers who participate in these sessions and/or services are invited to participate in Write Life’s Write A Friend™ – a new humanitarian service to bring a writing friend to isolated and homebound individuals needing human interaction through stories, letters, notes, and doodling thoughts about life. Write A Friend™ will launch nationwide in November 2020.

What people are saying. “As a writer first, I know the writer’s psyche; personal commitment; challenges; self-sabotage; procrastination; doubt and longings and drive to write. This is why I’m referred to as the writer’s publisher.”

Writing Services

“I can speak of Toni only in superlatives. She is a stellar writer, editor, publisher, and creative force. She knows storyline innately—a rare gift indeed. If you have the opportunity to work with Toni, consider yourself lucky to have met such a creative collaborator and kind soul. She has myriad skills that very few possess. Kind, considerate and highly creative!” —Laura Seitz, Owner of Inseitz Productions

“I worked with Toni during the development, writing, and publication of one of my textbooks with Prentice Hall. She is outstanding: talented, helpful, caring, dedicated, and always there with a supportive word. She left a void in my authoring life when she left PH to start her own company.” —Frank M. Carrano, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at University of Rhode Island and Textbook Author for Pearson Education

“Toni’s ability to know what I’m thinking is a rare gift, and it’s nice to be on the same page with her as I work towards a finished manuscript. Toni has helped me immensely and has given me the confidence boost to know that I don’t have to be a seasoned veteran in order to write a book. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to collaborate with someone of her caliber on my first manuscript.” —Phillis Shimamoto, Writer

“Working with Toni on a writing project was an education and an inspiration. She led me through the process of taking a rough manuscript to a final product that actually was looked at by two levels of editors at Penguin Books. Not only did she know her stuff, she nurtured and encouraged me every step of the way. What a valuable resource Toni is to any aspiring writer!” —Teresa Untiedt, Author, Pillar of Fire

“Working with Toni is a transformative journey, an exercise of faith! Much like Elders in Tribal Councils, Toni is accompanying me into a ‘right’ of passage of sorts. She does this with discernment, professional rigor, gentle nudging when appropriate, and a razor-sharp eye for potential waiting to bloom into being. She has a great sense of humor and a wonderful laugh. She radiates joy, a gift, and a blessing to those who journey with her.” —Monique Marguerite Marie, Author, Tea’s Steeping Nest

“Toni showed me the way home. Her wise guidance unlocked my true voice and my potential as a writer. She is an amazing guide and mentor and I will be forever grateful for the blessing of working with her.” —Joshua McDaniel, Author, The American Messiah

“I would not have done well in a classroom writing course. She modified her approach based on my individual process. The outcome for me is a manuscript that has maintained the heart of what I wanted to say without getting the reader bogged down in the story as if they’re walking through thick insulation (one of Toni’s initial critiques to me and I am glad I listened).” —Maureen Dudley, Author, The Plateau: Voices of The Earth

“Whether one is a novice like me or an experienced writer, Toni Holm is the person you want to publish your work. Her integrity, mastery of her art, business acumen, and incredible depth as a human being are a remarkable combination.” —Catherine Hayes, Ph.D., Writer

Life Assignments & Purpose Consultations

“Toni Holm is a phenomenal woman! She is intelligent, insightful, creative, helpful, generous, and strategic in her approach to helping others. Recently she was a guest speaker on my Protégé telecourse calls and months later Protégés still refer to her sage advice. She shared her great gift of ‘seeing’ into people and helping them to see themselves. She is a gift to the human race.” —Norma T. Hollis, America’s Leading Authenticity Expert

“Toni has offered me such meaningful insight and spiritual guidance throughout the years. She has been a path of light in times of darkness and has brought real clarity and calm in times of confusion. She has, in sum, helped to make beautiful sense of my life on a spiritual level. I am indebted to her for her wisdom and am so very grateful for her power, grace, and knowledge.” —Sarah Burrows-Rutberg, Editor/Writer

Writing/Publishing Services

“It has been a blessing to work with such a powerful team with Toni and her extremely helpful, intuitive staff, which made the work of publishing my latest book an absolute joy. I felt Toni’s support every step of the way, which gave me the confidence to honor that voice deep inside and produce a book that is making an even deeper impact than I had imagined. I credit my partnership with Toni for making this above and beyond experience possible.” —Linda M. Potter, Author, If Only God Would Give Me a Sign!

“The aspiration of becoming a published author, for me, often diminished into a deep- seated doubt that I had anything remarkable to say to the world. My self-talk was relentless. Who was I to stand beside the likes of Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson, or Wayne Dyer? Who would pick up my book instead of theirs? As she often did, Toni said something that changed everything for me – words I have repeated to other aspiring authors since. ‘For every writer there is a reader. It will not matter that other authors have said the same thing. Because for that reader, the energy behind your words will illuminate the message for them like no one could before.’ That simply profound encouragement kept me believing in my dream and me whenever the doubt crept in. Toni is an amazing gift to every voice the world is longing to hear.” —Karen Wright, Author, The Sequoia Seed: Remembering the Truth of Who You Are

Come join me!

Be bold. Be daring. Be courageous. Be read.

Toni Holm

Becoming a Writer: $325

Character Driven Storytelling: $325

Armchair Publishing Path: $275

Consulting: contact me

Purchase your class here: